Agriculture Links
We have chosen external agriculture links that we think may be of interest to you. However, they are not under the control of Stillman Bank and as such we are not responsible for any content or views expressed on these externally linked sites.
Agriculture Online
Agriculture news, discussion, and information.
Contains content from FarmJournal, Pro Farmer, Top Producers, Beef Today and Dairy Today.
FSA Loan Interest Rates
Provides current FSA Loan Interest Rates.
FSA Loan Programs
Provides information about the wide variety of farm loans that the FSA provides.
U.S. Drought Monitor
This site provides map detailing the level of drought being experienced by the country. Click on our region to see the level of drought we are currently in.
DTN/Progressive Farmer
Agriculture news, discussion, commodity futures, and other agricultural information.
University of Illinois Farmdoc
Farmdoc provides agriculture news, discussion, and also a wide variety of tools available to the public for use in budgeting, planning, and farm management.
Agriculture news and discussion brought to you by the Illinois Farm Bureau.
Purdue Ag Economy Barometer
The Ag Economy Barometer provides monthly Agriculture news, charts, and tables based on its monthly survey of producers providing a barometer reading of farmer sentiment.
Farm Progress
Agriculture news, discussion, tools, and other agricultural information.
USDA Ag Marketing Service
The Ag Marketing Service division of United States Department of Agriculture provides marketing tools, data, and regular reports pertaining to the marketing of Agricultural commodities.
USDA Economic Research Service
The Economic Research Service is a division of the United States Department of Agriculture. This site provides access to research reports, outlook reports, data charts, and other information related to the disciplines of agriculture.